In Life Bible, Study Bibles and Commentaries can be paired with any Bible translation. When a Study Bible or Commentary is open in the Bible tab, two acronyms will be listed at the top. The first acronym from the left is the Study Bible or Commentary you are viewing. The second acronym is the translation it's paired with:
In this example, the New Living Translation (NLT) is paired with the Life Application Study Bible (LASB). To change the translation, tap the translation acronym (NLT) to bring up the "Study Bible Translation" sheet. This sheet only displays translations and does not include Study Bibles or Commentaries. Choose the preferred translation from the list:
From the list of translations, the American Standard Version has been tapped. Now the top pill updates to showing the Life Application Study Bible with the American Standard Version (ASV):
Want to change to a completely different title instead of the Study Bible currently shown? Tap the acronym for the Study Bible (LASB). This will up the "Replace view" sheet, which includes all translations, Study Bibles, and Commentaries. You can tap on a title from this list to completely replace the view.
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