Shows your Bible reading history, and allows you to tap an entry in the history to return to that location in the Bible.
View Action Bar
Shows information about the current view, and actions that can be taken with the view, for example: audio, book & chapter, title abbreviation, and view menu.
Main Menu
Shows the app's main menu with access to the Store, Settings, and Manage Plans.
Quick Switch
Tap to switch between the previous and current views.
View Manger
Tap to switch between recent views and add new views.
Bottom Tab Bar
Provides a way to switch between primary destinations in the app.
View Action Bar
Tap to have the Bible read to you.
Book & Chapter
Tap to navigate to another book & chapter in the Bible.
Title Abbreviation
Tap to switch to another Bible, Study Bible, Commentary, or your Journal.
View Menu
Tap to add a new view, replace this view, get information about the current Bible, Study Bible, or Commentary you are viewing, etc..
Related Articles
Reading a Study Bible or Commentary
Using a Reading Plan from a Study Bible
1 comment
FYI, there are multiple locations in your online help text which refer to the View Manger instead of the View Manager. I imagine that there will be little to no confusion because of this, but thought you should be aware of it. Thanks!
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